Are you feeling the pressure of keeping up with both the writing and the editing you need to accomplish on a daily basis? Do you yearn for more down time with family and friends? Let me help...
With 31 years of experience as a writer and editor (23 as a successful freelancer), I have the skills necessary to produce a superior scoped transcript.
My name is Kinda S. Lenberg, and my company, Pressed for Time Scoping, is here to help the harried and pressured freelance or agency court reporter not only make more money, but recoup the valuable time lost editing and formatting the transcripts.
Take a moment to check my credentials, view the services Pressed for Time Scoping provides, discover the Cost-Benefit Analysis of utilizing a professional scopist, and then use the Contact Page for inquiries.
Once terms have been agreed upon, please fill out the Preference Sheet and send your files through one of the following delivery services: Send This File, YouSendIt, Transfer Big Files, Sugar Sync or Dropbox. If you use a different service just let me know.
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want."
-Bill Watterson, "Calvin and Hobbes"
If you are interested in learning more about how Pressed for Time Scoping can help give you the time you so desperately need -- and the extra money to make it enjoyable -- e-mail me at
9590 Penn Cross Place
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80925